120 Years of Tradition
Interested in Pi Kappa Alpha?
Fill out the form below and our recruitment chair will contact you!
Membership in Pi Kappa Alpha gives students the opportunity to make the most of their college experience. Pikes experience what it means to be involved and responsible individuals who promote community service, active campus involvement, and high levels of academic achievement.
The members of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri S&T hold academic success in high esteem. Consistently achieving a house average above the all men’s GPA and all Greek GPA, Pi Kappa Alpha is one of the top academic fraternities on campus. Our alumni consistently award over $100,000 worth of scholarships to our members every year. In addition to monetary scholarships, we also implement many measures to promote academic success including study hours on all week nights, in-house tutoring sessions, and our campus-wide study files collection.
Pi Kappa Alpha encourages all of its members to be involved in the house and on campus. We realize that to succeed in their career, one needs to have ample leadership skills. With an average of over two organizations per member, and many members holding executive positions across campus, Pi Kappa Alpha is one of the most involved fraternities at Missouri S&T. This involvement helps improve time management skills, build self awareness, and prepare our members for a world beyond the university.
Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri S&T has a competitive spirit in everything that we do, and it shows most prominently in intramural games. Pikes have consistently been all-campus intramural and greek week champions. We compete in all intramural sports, from basketball to football to soccer. The chapter is also proud to have members represent Pi Kappa Alpha on various S&T varsity athletic teams. We believe that through athletic competition, we build teamwork skills fundamental to success, bolster unity within the chapter, contribute to the physical and mental health of our members, and improve the quality of the overall college experience.
The members of Pi Kappa Alpha hold themselves to a high standard of conduct. We actively work to promote values of integrity, intellect, and high moral character in all that we do. We seek men that respect themselves, their peers, and their communities. Members of the fraternity are taught proper social skills and etiquette through membership development programs, and given the opportunity to practice these skills at all types of events. Members are also strongly encouraged to participate in community service and philanthropy events. We believe that a commitment to service is a crucial part of personal development.
Recruitment Team
Recruitment Chairman
Email: pdch9t@mst.edu
Phone: -
Director of Recruitment
Email: daj6f6@mst.edu
Phone: (573) 220-4832
“Choosing Rolla and Missouri S&T was one of the best and most mature decisions of my life, but I always knew, even at the time in college, that what actually made me the person I am was going to PIKE… Those bonds and the friendships that were made there were unlike anything I ever had before or after.”
—Charles Blaschke, 2004 initiate, Vice President of Energy & Sustainability at NorthPoint Development