120 Years of Tradition
History & Values
Our History
The Founders of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity provided the basis of a lasting brotherhood, which has endured since its establishment in 1868 at the University of Virginia. The rich history of the Alpha Kappa Chapter began on November 28, 1905 in Rolla, Missouri when six friends came together to form a new fraternity on their campus which was then known as the Missouri School of Mines & Metallurgy.
Fast Facts
• Founded Sunday Evening March 1, 1868 at the University of Virginia.
• Nicknamed PIKE. Members are known as Pikes.
• 310,000+ members initiated worldwide.
• The official colors of the fraternity are Garnet and Gold.
• The Alpha Kappa Chapter has had two chapter houses in its 120 year long history at Missouri S&T with the most recent being constructed in 2001.
• The current chapter house has enough room to comfortably house 104 people.
• Alpha Kappa’s typical chapter size is around 100 active members.
• Alpha Kappa leads Missouri S&T fraternities in athletics with consistent 1st place finishes in both overall intramurals and Greek Week.
• The Alpha Kappa Chapter completes over 10,000 community service hours annually.
• The Alpha Kappa Educational Foundation awards the chapter over $100,000 in scholarships annually.
• 28 time Robert Adger Smythe Award winners. An award only given to what is considered the top 10% of PIKE chapters, second most all-time in Pi Kappa Alpha history with over 200 chapters worldwide.
Our Values
• Pi Kappa Alpha is dedicated to developing men of integrity, intellect, and high moral character and to fostering a truly lifelong fraternal experience.
• Pi Kappa Alpha will set the standard of integrity, intellect, and achievement for our members, host institutions, and the communities in which we live.
• We believe in the importance of virtue and commit to living the values of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. We recognize that truth is the foundation of all lasting association, and we will seek wisdom and knowledge while serving others in modesty and dignity.
• Recalling that Pi Kappa Alpha is a lifelong commitment, I therefore reaffirm to live my life with honor and courage seeking the inherent worth in each person I meet; to accept all brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha in love and friendship; and to serve my faith, my family, my community, my alma mater, and my Fraternity.
• Only then, by living these virtues, will we realize our fullest potential.

"For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object."